Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Workout of the Week!

MUSCLE VS FAT! Start lifting!!!!

Workout of the Week: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
*Mixture of pyramid sets to GIANT sets*

Perform one set, rest 30 seconds, and continue
Bench Press: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps
*5 burpees*
Pec Fly Machine: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps
*2 flights of stairs*
Overhead Press Machine: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps
*5 burpees*
DB Shoulder Press: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps
*mt climbers- 30 seconds*
Straight Bar Front Raises: set 1= 10 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 10 reps, set 4= 10 reps
*5 burpees*
Tricep Reverse Grip Pull downs: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps
*2 flights of stairs*
Tricep DB Kickbacks: set 1= 12 reps, set 2= 10 reps, set 3= 8 reps, set 4= 6 reps

Giant Sets Circuit Training
*Repeat for 3 times*
  1. Chest Press Machine- 3 sets of 25
  2. DB Military Press- 3 sets of 25
  3. Diamond Push ups- 3 sets of 20
  4. (on swiss ball) DB Bench Press- 3 sets of 20
  5. (on swiss ball) DB Kick backs- 3 sets of 20
  6. Standard Pushups- 3 sets of 20
CARDIO (High Intensity for ONLY a total of 15 mins)
Stair Master
5 mins @ your max level (can start HIGH and decrease)
*20 forearm to standing planks, 1 min of butterfly kicks
4 mins @ your max level
*forearm plank + knee raise (like at obgyn), Oblique twists
3 mins @ your max level
*25 full sit ups, forearm plank + knee cross body
2 mins @ your max level
*20 forearm to standing planks, 1 min of butterfly kicks
1 min @ your max level


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