Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Total Body with a BAR!

TOTAL Body... this workout uses a bar for the WHOLE workout! You can grab the bench press bar (45lbs) or grab the preacher curl bar (25lbs) or a barbell (all sizes!)! Regardless, you are doing this workout for 3 sets, each lift is for 15 reps! Enjoy!

Bar shoulder press
Bar front squats (rest on the top part of your chest) Bar bicep curls
Bar stiff leg deadlifts
Bar upright rows
Bar squats (rest bar behind the neck/shoulder blades)Bar back rows
Bar reverse lunges (rest bar behind the neck/shoulder blades)Bar oblique twists
Bar forward lunges (rest bar behind the neck/shoulder blades)Bar pushups (hands on the bar for this) Bar sumo squats (rest bar behind the neck/shoulder blades)

You WILL be POOPED when done!


Chest and Biceps

*Notice a lot of SINGLE arm lifts here; the point is to create balance! Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps, so I want you using a little heavier weight! Your last 2 reps of EACH set should be difficult.*Set #1
DB Incline chest press; DB bicep curls
Set #2
Single Arm Pec flys; DB hammer curls
Set #3
DB chest press; Barbell 21s
Set #4
DB decline press; DB bicep curl alt w/holds
Stair Master; Speed Intervals for 30 mins



Monday, May 14, 2012

Leeeeeeggsss BABY! J

Everything is SUPERSETTED and your “break” is sit ups on the stability ball! J After your sit ups, right back to lifting!!
I want you to START heavy and FINISH light: sets= 10/12/15 reps

Set #1
Smith Machine Squats
Straight Bar Deadlift (keep that arch in your back)  
Stability Ball Sit Ups (30)
Set #2
Single Leg, Leg Curl Machine
Stability Ball Sit Ups (30)
Set #3
Single Leg, Leg Extension
Weighted Step Ups (this is a consistent, 15 PER leg)
Stability Ball Sit Ups (30)
Set #4
Cable Glute Kick Backs (so 10 per glute, then 12, then 15)
Standing Single Calf Raises (this is a consistent, 20 PER calf)
Stability Ball Sit Ups (30)       
**Around the Gym- Weighted Lunges (grab 2-10lb plates and lunge ONE full circle around the gym)
CARDIO: 30 mins   
 Stair Master: Speed Intervals