Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Multivitamins and INSANITY workout!

MULTIVITAMINSSo...if you're like me and Terri, we originally bought the Synergy from Corey with Max Muscle, which has all the veggies/fruit you need for the day in a mixture, and YUP it tastes like Pooo!!!! And paid $45 and hadn't used it, just sits in your fridge! Yup that was us! However, I fixed this too!!!!! Here you go:

  • 1 serving of LIGHT VB Blackberry/Raspberry
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 1 scoop of the Synergy
  • shake 'er up and put in fridge at night, have first thing in the morning WITH your breakfast, seriously TASTES great! The NATURAL sugar provides a nice sweet taste and you're getting LOADS of antioxidants!

INSANITY (Thanks Kevin!!)
I have to share another AWESOME workout I completed this morning! You will all meet Kevin next week, and he blessed me with the 600 reps in 60 mins and I THINK I threw him for a loop when I completed it in 35! Can I get a woop! woop! hehe! So here, I revised it and added a few other things (Of course I had to Jessica'fied it!):

This TOOK me 70 mins! And I was a hot, sweaty cleavage MESS and it ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Set #1
  • 12 reps of stiff legged deadlifts
  • 15 reps of squats (below 90 degrees, try to get as loooow as possible like when I do my booty bounce people, use those glutes/quads)
  • 12 reps of stiff legged deadlifts
  • 15 reps of squats (below 90 degrees, try to get as loooow as possible like when I do my booty bounce people, use those glutes/quads)
  • 12 reps of stiff legged deadlifts
  • 15 reps of squats (below 90 degrees, try to get as loooow as possible like when I do my booty bounce people, use those glutes/quads)
  • 12 reps of stiff legged deadlifts
  • 15 reps of squats (below 90 degrees, try to get as loooow as possible like when I do my booty bounce people, use those glutes/quads)
  • 12 reps of stiff legged deadlifts
Set #2
  • 15 reps of squats (below 90 degrees, try to get as loooow as possible like when I do my booty bounce people, use those glutes/quads)
  • 20 glute kick backs PER leg (put cable all the way down, bend over on bench, and push using those glutes)
  • 12 calf raises (hold each one for 3 seconds- calfs respond BEST to static holds!)
  • 20 glute kick backs PER leg (put cable all the way down, bend over on bench, and push using those glutes)
  • 12 calf raises (hold each one for 3 seconds- calfs respond BEST to static holds!)
  • 20 glute kick backs PER leg (put cable all the way down, bend over on bench, and push using those glutes)
  • 12 calf raises (hold each one for 3 seconds- calfs respond BEST to static holds!)
  • 20 glute kick backs PER leg (put cable all the way down, bend over on bench, and push using those glutes)
  • 12 calf raises (hold each one for 3 seconds- calfs respond BEST to static holds!)
Set #3
  • 15 DB bicep curls
  • 15 DB tricep kickbacks
  • 15 DB bicep curls
  • 15 DB tricep kickbacks
  • 15 DB bicep curls
  • 15 DB tricep kickbacks
Set #4
(The following you will want to start HEAVIER, if you need to break, set down for 5-10 seconds, recover, then blast them out again!!!! I used 20-15 DBs, the bench bar for Clean/Press, and swiss ball for cruches! Put in "clean/Press" on utube and it will provide a video for you)
  • 10 bench press, 10 lat pull downs, 10 hang clean/press, 30 crunches
  • 40 bench press, 40 lat pull downs, 40 hang clean/press, 120 crunches
  • 30 bench press, 30 lat pull downs, 30 hang clean/press, 90 crunches
  • 20 bench press, 20 lat pull downs, 20 hang clean/press, 60 crunches
  • 5 mins on STAIR MASTER level 11-16!

~Jessica~ hahahahah ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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