Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Workout of the Week: Push/Pull with Core and Cardio!

PUSH/PULL (w/cardio): 70 minutes
You are super-setting the lifts w/ a brief stint of cardio! Perform 3 sets of 10 for the lifts and complete the cardio portion 3 times! J

·         Body Rows on the smith machine (bar)
·         Wide Grip Push Ups
·         30 OBGYNs
·         1 minute of Hop Ups

v     DB Shoulder Press
v     DB Bicep Curl (one at a time)
v     Weighted Leg Raises (lay on bench; 15lb DB in arms, legs and arms straight and meet at the top: for added resistance; place a 5/10lb DB in between your feet!)
v     1 minute of box jumps (on bench)

Ø      DB Chest Press on Stability Ball (hips UP!)
Ø      Wide Grip Assisted Pull Ups (remember only doing 10, make it hard!)
Ø      25 Lemon Squeezes (aka: Lunch Boxes)
Ø      1 minute of stair master; level 14 (Ashley=20!)

·         Overhead Press Machine (plate loaded one)
·         DB Preacher Curl (perform one set on each arm; so start with right- finish then left)
·         30 Cheek –to- Cheeks
·         2 minutes of 5 KB Swings –to- 1 burpee J

v     Bent Over DB Flys
v     DB Tricep Kickbacks (note: when extending arm back, rotate palm up!)
v     15 Halomans (hold for 2 secs at the top! PLEASE!)
v     1 minute of KB Swing Jumps

Ø      DB Arnold Presses
Ø      Tricep Dips (feet on a DB; 10lb plate on your legs!)
Ø      1 min of CRAB KICKS
Ø      1 minute of KB Heals to Heavens Squat Jumps


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