Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Come and make your FAT CRY at SWEAT!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

LEGS at the PARK!!

Try to perform each exercise with MINIMAL break in between, 45 sec rest AFTER one full set is completed!

**on any squat, I want your butt dropping below the KNEES, drop it like its HOT!**

Warm up; jog around for 5 mins

Set #1
  • 25 full body squats
  • 15 squat JUMPS
  • 20 split squat (one leg on bench): R side
  • 20 split squat: L side
  • 20 touch lung switches (in a lunge, bend down and touch the ground, jump, switch legs)
  • 1 min plank
  • 25 partner leg throws (grab their ankles)
Repeat 2x

Set #2
  • 25 Bench Step Ups: Right leg
  • 25 Bench Step Ups: Left leg
  • 20 sumo squats
  • 20 bench jumps
  • 20 each side; hold then for 30 seconds- Plank + OBGYNS (remember, knees come to the OUTSIDE of the body)
  • Calf Raises: 20 forward/outward/inward
Repeat 2x

Set #3
  • 40 walking lunges (hands behind head)
  • 10 jump squats
  • 20 backward walking lunges (hands behind head)
  • 10 jump squats
  • 20 walking lunges
  • 20 side glute kicks (get on all 4s and bring up one leg like you're peeing :)) : Repeat on each side 2x, back to back
ONLY 1 set of this

FINISH with:
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 jump squats
Repeat 3x! (minimal breaks in between, if any!)

Enjoy! Jess

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