(superset all of these, meaning complete one set then to the next)
Set #1
- Step Ups: 3 sets of 15 per leg
- Weighted Lunges: (I used a 30lb bar) 3 sets of 24 lunges
- Single leg- leg curls (on the prone machine, laying down): 4 sets of 20 per leg, uping the weight 5lbs each set
- Singe leg-leg extension: 4 sets of 20 per leg, uping the weight 5lbs each set
- Split Lunge (on the smith machine): 20 bounces on each leg, then switch for 3 sets
- Stand Ups: 30 lbs barbell on your back, sit and stand up on the bench 15 times for 3 sets
- Adduction Machine: 3 sets of 115 for 25 each set
- Calf Raises: body weight only...3 sets of 30
Stair Monster, Interval Program, 20 mins, level 14
ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe